Image: © BBC

  Sontarans Cloned soldiers with extraordinary strength, raised for brave battle.

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Image: © BBC

Silurians Resilient reptilian species, possessing advanced technology and intellect.

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Image: © BBC

Zygons  Shape-shifters with telepathy, skilled in deceit and physical strength through mimicry.

Source: Google

Image: © BBC

The Silence  Living among humans are unseen manipulators capable of manipulating memory.

Source: Google

Image: © BBC

 Jack Harkness  Immortal hero with capabilities and limitations after a supernatural incident.

Source: Google

Image: © BBC

Doctor-Donna Unique mix of human body and Time Lord intellect.

Source: Google

Image: © BBC

Cybermen  Humans who have been upgraded, who are fearless and relentless in their pursuit.

Source: Google

Image: © BBC

Weeping Angels  With their stone form deception, merciless predators trap victims in time.

Source: Google

Image: © BBC

Rassilon  In Time Lord history, he was a powerful figure, a manipulative leader with unparalleled strength.

Source: Google