10 Best RDJ Movies

Wonder Boys (2000) Robert fills this critically acclaimed comedy drama about personal struggles with a different energy.

 Image Credit: © Paramount Pictures

Bowfinger (1999) In this comedy about filming on a limited budget, Downey Jr. plays a movie producer.

 Image Credit: © Universal Pictures

Iron Man (2008) The Marvel Cinematic Universe is introduced by Downey Jr.'s legendary portrayal of Tony Stark.

 Image Credit: © Marvel

Tropic Thunder (2008) Oscar nomination for the controversial but hilarious transformative role of Downey Jr.

 Image Credit: © Paramount Pictures

Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (2005) A darkly comedic crime thriller starring Downey Jr. and Val Kilmer is an immense hit.

 Image Credit: © Warner Bros. Pictures

Back to School (1986) Robert plays the best friend in a number of humorous scenarios in classic comedies.

 Image Credit: © Orion Pictures

Chef (2014) Downey Jr. in a heartfelt comedy-drama, giving support to a friend's dreams in cooking.

 Image Credit: © Open Road Films

Good Night, and Good Luck (2005) A CBS news reporter is portrayed by Downey Jr. in this historical drama about ethical issues.

 Image Credit: © Warner Independent Pictures

Avengers: Endgame (2019) Stark's vital role in the grand finale of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

 Image Credit: © Marvel

Zodiac (2007) The search for the infamous Zodiac Killer in San Francisco is explored in this gripping thriller.

 Image Credit: © Warner Bros. Pictures